To Inform, Encourage, and Heal
To Inform, Encourage and Heal is a four-week online seminar in which you will have opportunity to engage meaningfully in the work of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
Following the course texts and online discussions, you will gain a greater understanding of your role as a Catholic Christian in the work of reconciliation and solidarity in support of Indigenous communities. Both reflection and practical application of learning will be high priorities over the four weeks seminar.
Required textbooks are available from the Diocese of Hamilton:
21 Things You May Not Know About The Indian Act, by Bob Joseph - $20.75 CDN, excl. shipping.
Listening to Indigenous Voices, A Dialogue Guide on Justice and Right Relationships, Jesuit Forum for Social Faith and Justice - $14.95 CDN, excl. shipping.
A group of a minimum of 10 people is required for registration.